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Book Swap/Borrow: Cultivating Community and Sustainability Through Reading

The Green Group is thrilled to announce our innovative Book Swap/Borrow Initiative, a testament to our commitment to sustainability and community building. We envision a world where books circulate among as many readers as possible, enhancing the joy of reading through communal sharing.

Located within our facilities is a specially designated area housing a collection of pre-loved, yet wholly engaging, books. This initiative is an open invitation to all members of the Dunn School community eager to explore new narratives or contribute their own favorite reads.

Participation is simple and flexible:

  • Swap: Exchange a book you no longer need for a fresh find from our collection.

  • Borrow: Select a book that piques your interest, enjoy it, and return it at your convenience.

  • Take: If a book resonates with you deeply, it's yours to keep.

Our goal extends beyond minimizing waste and encouraging recycling; we aim to cultivate a communal passion for literature. We invite you to visit and uncover your next beloved book, contributing to a more sustainable and literate world.

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