Protocol for Sterilization, Washing, and Autoclaving of Contaminated Wooden Colony picker at the Dunn School
Protocol adapted from Alves et al., Access Microbiology 2021.
In the User’s Laboratory:
Post-Use Collection: After using the Colony picker (wooden toothpicks) for bacterial or yeast colony picking, place them in a 50ml centrifuge tube on the bench. Ensure the tube lid is closed securely. When the 50ml tube is filled with toothpicks, place the tube in the designated rack for collection by the washing up facility.
Washing up Facility:
Collection: Collect the 50ml tubes containing toothpicks from various labs, ensuring the lids are kept closed.
Disinfection: Remove the tube lid and add 5ml of Distel (Scientific Lab Supplies part number: TRI1366, 5L) or Chemgene HLD4L Concentrate (Clear Unfragranced, 5 Litre XTM309-C STARLAB (UK) Ltd). Pour and mix well 45ml of distilled water into the 50ml tubes containing the contaminated toothpicks, making sure the final disinfectant concentration is at 10%. Tightly close the tube lid and allow the tubes to sit on the bench for a duration of 18 to 36 hours.
Rinsing and Cleaning: The following day, open the tube lid, decant the surplus liquid into the sink, and transfer all toothpicks to a "sweet jar". Multiple tubes worth of toothpicks can be combined into a single jar. Vigorously rinse the toothpicks using tap water, ensuring no froth remains when agitating the jar filled with tap water. Submerge the toothpicks in distilled water for a minimum of 30 minutes to ensure any residual detergent is released from the toothpicks. Conduct a final thorough rinse using distilled water.
Drying and Sterilizing: Completely drain the water from the sweet jar. Allow the toothpicks to air dry. Pack the dry toothpicks into glass vials, filling each vial completely. Close the vial lid, affix an autoclave tape, and proceed to autoclave the vials.
Storage: Keep the autoclaved vials containing sterilized toothpicks in the the area accessible for users to retrieve and use.

Washed and sterile wooden toothpicks for picking colonies. Photo by Natalie Davis

Signage created by Saroj Saurya. Photo by Natalie Davis

Washed and sterile wooden toothpicks for picking colonies. Photo by Natalie Davis