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Embracing Sustainability: The Green Room Legacy and Community Cupboards - Transforming Lab Surplus into a Communal Haven at Dunn School

As several labs within the Dunn School underwent transitions, a unique opportunity for sustainable practice emerged. In November 2021, the Dunn School workshop consolidated the contents of various labs into a single space, creating the "Green Room." With the meticulous organization by the Green Group members, this room evolved into a central hub for repurposing lab equipment and consumables. The guiding principle was both simple and profound: everything was free. The Dunn School members could come in, select what they required, and take it without any monetary exchange, promoting a culture of sharing and minimizing waste.

The Green Room's generosity wasn't confined to the Dunn School. Occasionally, the green group welcomed the entire University, offering all a chance to explore and claim items. Local schools also benefitted, receiving chosen items to enrich their science demonstrations, amplifying the Green Room's positive environmental impact.


Dedicated Green Group members routinely maintained and organized the space. Recognizing the need for broader sustainable efforts, the workshop collaborated with initiatives such as "Warpit", an online platform that allows institutions to redistribute their surplus assets, preventing them from going to waste. Additionally, they partnered with the "Unigreen Scheme", a program that supports green initiatives by facilitating the recycling and reuse of materials. Though the Green Room's era ended when it was superseded by a new lab, its essence persisted. Unclaimed items transitioned to the "Community Cupboard" in the Dunn School's basement corridor. Echoing the Green Room's ethos, this area functions as a community hub where surplus lab equipment, consumables, stationary, and more are available for free pick-up or drop-off. The Green Room's legacy, rooted in sustainability and communal sharing, remains vibrant at the heart of the Dunn School.

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