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Welcome to the Dunn School Green Group

The Environmental Sustainability Group at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford: Leading the Way to a Greener Planet

Welcome to the Dunn School Green Group at the prestigious Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford. We are a united community comprising students, postdocs, group leaders, facility and lab managers, and administrative staff dedicated to championing environmental sustainability within our esteemed institution and beyond. In the face of urgent challenges like climate change and environmental decline, we emphasize the significance of education, research, and proactive measures. Discover our mission, our green initiatives, and how you can partner with us in this vital cause. Let this platform inspire and motivate, showing that everyone can contribute to Earth's preservation. Dive in, learn, and collaborate with the Dunn School Green Group. Thank you for your visit.

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Dunn School with Green Group flag. Photo by Saroj Saurya

Foggy Forest

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