Unprecedented Achievement: 100% LEAF Accreditation for Dunn School Labs & Facilities
We are thrilled to announce an extraordinary accomplishment: Every lab and facility within the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology (35 in total) have been honored with their respective Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) awards in the 2023 Vice Chancellor’s Environmental Sustainability award ceremony.
LEAF, the world’s largest green lab program, empowers researchers to incorporate sustainable practices within their work. Recognized by the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN), LEAF underlines the importance of sustainability in conducting high-quality research. Each lab within the framework assesses its current practices and strives for a Bronze, Silver, or Gold LEAF award. A lab on LEAF can save an average of £3,700 and approximately three tonnes of CO2e per year, making a significant impact towards environmental conservation.
We're extremely proud of all our labs and facilities for their outstanding commitment to sustainability. Their endeavors not only contribute to reducing our carbon footprint but also play a crucial role in advancing sustainable research practices. This accomplishment represents a significant milestone in our sustainability journey. We commend the dedicated efforts of each lab and facility and look forward to continuing our quest for excellence in sustainable research practices.

Carvalho Lab
Dunn School Workshop
Esashi Lab
Fodor Lab
Freeman Lab
Genome Engineering Oxford
Gromak Lab
Gruneberg Lab
Hassan Lab
James Lab
Lea Lab
Luis Alberto Baena-Lopez Group
Molecular Immunology Group
Raff Lab
Tang Lab
The Don Mason Facility of Flow Cytometry

Smith Lab
Dunn School Central Washroom and Stores
Cook Lab
EM Facility
Greaves Lab
Hunt Lab
Ivan Ahel Lab
Light Microscopy Facility
Murphy/Norbury Group
Sanyal Lab
Stracy Lab

D.Ahel Lab
Gullerova Lab
Isom Lab
Proudfoot Group
Roberts Lab
Dunn School Robertson Group
Sattentau Group
Vaux Lab

Katherine Ansbro and Sarah Langhorne proudly display the Walsh's Lab LEAF Award, following their recognition at the VC Environmental Sustainability Award ceremony. Photo courtesy of the University of Oxford Sustainability Team

Martin Smith and Wayne Swan showcase the LEAF Award earned by the Dunn School Workshop, following their success at the VC Environmental Sustainability Award ceremony. Photo courtesy of the University of Oxford Sustainability Team

LEAF Awards for Dunn School Labs, neatly arranged on the sharing table for individual lab groups to collect. Photo by Saroj Saurya

Katherine Ansbro and Sarah Langhorne proudly display the Walsh's Lab LEAF Award, following their recognition at the VC Environmental Sustainability Award ceremony. Photo courtesy of the University of Oxford Sustainability Team