Sterilization, Washing, and Recycling of Contaminated Lab Plastics at Dunn School
Protocol modified from Alves et al., Access Microbiology 2021
In the User’s Laboratory:
Carefully empty the contents of used tubes, vials, tissue culture flasks, and plates directly into Virkon solution without rinsing.
Securely close the lids of all containers after disposal.
For bacterial plates, remove the agar using a spatula and discard it into the autoclave box. Ensure that the spatula is decontaminated afterward by soaking it in 10% Chemgene for 10 minutes.
Continue collecting the used tubes, vials, plates, and flasks in appropriate containers designated for contaminated plastic.
Washing up Facility:
Collect the containers with contaminated plastics from the lab and transport them to the washing facility.
Remove the lids from all tubes, vials, flasks, and plates.
Prepare the 10% Chemgene solution by diluting the concentrate with tap water.
Fully submerge the tubes, vials, flasks, plates, and their lids in a 10% Chemgene HLD4L Concentrate solution (Clear Unfragranced, 5 Litre XTM309-C STARLAB (UK) Ltd) for at least 10 minutes.
The same solution of 10% Chemgene can be reused several times throughout the day but should be discarded at the end of each day.
Thoroughly rinse all tubes, flasks, plates, vials, and lids with tap water after the disinfection process.
Allow the tubes and lids to dry at room temperature overnight.
Once dried, transfer the tubes and other items into designated recycling bags for proper recycling through Recycle-labs.

Contaminated lab plastic collection container

Signage for different containers at Dunn School

Bags filled with decontaminated and washed lab plastic ready for collection by Re-cycle lab

Contaminated lab plastic collection container